
It all started when Professor. Dr. Jose Luiz Vasconcelos da Rocha, Head, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Engineering, submitted to the Rector, Prof. Dr. Jose Aristodemo Pinotti, the Office FEAA.AGR. 570/84 of 22 October 1984, submitting it for consideration, the Building Project of the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering. It was intended, then the separation of the courses of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Engineering aimed at "broadening the scope of work to promote the development of Agricultural Engineering," because even "the Agricultural Engineering was set by the Federal Council of Education as of Agricultural Sciences, while the Food Engineering is placed in Chemical Engineering. " Likewise, the CONFEA - Federal Council of Engineering, Architecture and Agronomy "puts the Board of Agricultural Engineering in Agronomy, while the Food Engineering is the Chamber of Industrial Engineering" (Case 6791/1984).

The bill creating the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering comprised 48 pages and discoursed on (1) the Agricultural Engineering and its scope in terms of teaching, research and extension, (2) the proposed creation of the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering at UNICAMP, (3 ) College proposal, (4) the effects of the new Faculty courses. Until that date, the year 1984 the Agricultural Engineering course taught by the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Engineering was formed 125 students graduate, had 33 teachers of which 6 were separated by studying abroad, performing in five major areas, and accounted for 20 Dissertations defended areas of Agricultural Machinery and Pre-Processing of Agricultural Products (Case 6791/84).

Immediately thereafter, discussed the process of separation of Agricultural Engineering in Council Interdepartmental Faculty of Food Engineering and Agriculture, as stated in the Minutes of the 144th Meeting, held on 14 November 1984, with all members voting in favor of the creation Faculty of Agricultural Engineering (Case 6791/1984).

On November 21, 1984, Professors Maria Amelia Chaib Moraes and Antonio Serrano de Melo, commissioned by the Interdepartmental Council of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Engineering, expressed themselves in favor of the separation of the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Food Engineering and Agriculture, to create the College of Agricultural Engineering, with benefits for both institutions (Case 6791/1984).

Two days later, the 23 day of November 1984, the Board of the Faculty of Food Engineering and Agricultural discussed the Creation Process, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, approving it unanimously, as stated in the Minutes of the 56th Meeting (Case 6791/1984).

Through the Office FEAA D. 279/84 of 26 November 1984, Prof. Iracema de Oliveira Moraes, Director of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Engineering, justified to the Rector of UNICAMP, Pr. José Aristodemo Pinotti, the separation of the Department of Agricultural Engineering and the consequent creation of the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, extolling further that "such separation takes place in a climate of perfect understanding and rapport, due to a higher ideal of serving the country, further elevating the name of UNICAMP "(Case 6791/84).

The next day, November 27, 1984, Prof. Iracema de Oliveira Moraes Letter sent FEAA D. 283/84 to Pr. Dr. Antonio Carlos Neder, General Coordinator of the Faculties, requesting that it be a spokesman with the Rector, for the routing of the proposed creation of the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, errand he met on the same day, referring to his Instead, the Rector, the "dossier" full establishment of the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering proposal from the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Engineering (Case 6791/1984).

At its 238th Session, held on March 26, 1985, the Board of the State University of Campinas became aware of the proposed creation of the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering submitted to it by the Rector on February 28, 1985, accepting it, in principle, and appointing a Commission of Experts to give an opinion after conducting "a comprehensive study of the proposed creation of units and possible expansion needs in the field of sciences and technology." The opinion of this Committee, issued on April 3, 1985, was also favorable (Case 6791/84).

Finally, on July 10, 1985, through Decree 23 646, have changed the Statute and Rules of Procedure of the General UNICAMP, dismembering the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Engineering in two others: the Faculty of Food Engineering (FEA), with the course of Food Engineering and Agricultural Engineering College (AEC), with the course of Agricultural Engineering (UNICAMP Statutes, 1985, page 134).

Prof. Dr. Jose Luiz Vasconcelos da Rocha, then responding by Expedient of AEC forwards to Mr. Arly Romeo Lara, Director General of Human Resources at UNICAMP, FEAGRI.056/85 through Letter of 08.08.1985, the ratio of teachers and employees who belonged to the former Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Food Engineering and Agricultural and henceforth, will provide service along the new Faculty. Asked to formally express about their transfer from one institution to another, for instance the Special Committee on Contracts, all teachers (30 out of a total of 35 because 4 of them found themselves away to study abroad and one thought- away to address issues particular), did so on 26.02.1986, declaring himself in favor of such action (Case 6791/84).

And so, through Ordinance Provost No. 889/86 dated 02 September 1986, all teachers of the former Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Engineering were crowded at the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering of UNICAMP. Likewise, through Decree 3972/86, the Human Resources Coordinator, were transferred to the new drive then connected servers (Case 6791/84).

Finally, on April 21, 1987, Prof.. Dr. Jose Luiz Vasconcelos da Rocha, then responding by the Board of the new Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, headed the Office of the Attorney FEAGRI.D.032/87 UNICAMP requesting clarification for the election of the first term of the Director of Faculty and composition of its congregation .

The curious thing about this whole process is that, although primarily involving the transformation of the Faculty of Food Technology at the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Engineering, and subsequently transforming this into two other Faculties: Food Engineering and Agricultural Engineering, throughout the process of creating the Course of Agricultural Engineering, culminating on 22 December 1975, and the founding of the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, which actually occurred on July 10, 1985, and in all instances university, all voting were favorable and unanimous, with no dissenting vote.

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