Deadline Tracking

To access the deadline tracking table in the Master's or Doctorate course at Feagri it is necessary to be logged into the intranet (click the login button in the upper right corner of the website).


After login, the table will appear at the end of this page, containing information about:

  • English proficiency exam;

  • qualification exam*;

  • defense**;

  • limit for completion.

* the qualification period refers to the request for the qualification exam by the intranet, i.e., delivery of the documentation.
** the defense of dissertation/thesis should occur, preferably, within the ideal time frame presented in the table (check the dates of meetings of the CIs and the CPG to schedule yourself).

The update of the table will be carried out monthly, but if there is any divergence in the data please contact us by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..