
Qualification Examination


Internal Standard of the Qualification Exam no. 04/2016 and doll of the paper (updated in September 2022) - LINK

The qualification exam aims to evaluate the proposed research plan and the scientific technical knowledge of the candidate. 

Deadline for requesting the examination via intranet system:

- until the last day of the first 12 months for Master's degree

- until the last day of the first 18 months for Doctorate degree

Check your deadline at Deadline Tracking

Note 1) Failure to meet this deadline should be formally communicated to the CPG with justification and consent of the advisor with the provision of delivery of the documentation, which will be analyzed with the CPG in a monthly ordinary meeting.

Note 2) The failure twice implies the termination of the student from the Program. 

When should I forward my application for Qualification?

Your request must be sent via the FEAGRI intranet system until the last day of the 12 months for master's degree and 18 months for doctorate from the month of your admission.

The request will go through the approval of the Integrated Council (last week of the month) and then by CPG (second week of the month), after these 2 approvals, its qualification must be carried out within 45 calendar days.

After approval by CPG, student and advisor will be informed via email, as well as instructed on the exam request to be inserted in SIGA/DAC.

The deadline for the examination will be up to 45 days after approval by CPG/FEAGRI.


The qualification examination request is made by the INTRANET SYSTEM, , according to the tutorial available in this LINK

The documents required to upload to the system are:

1) School History;

2) Paper Plan;


Examination Board

The examination board shall be composed of at least 03 titular members and 02 alternates, and the advisor participates as a titular member and all must have the title of PhD. In this conformation, 01 member is allowed to participate via video conferencing.

In this LINK, we also provide the guidance manual for the preparation of dissertations and theses and the Research Plan, kindly prepared by Professor Dr. Mauro José Andrade Tereso.