
FEAGRI's Postgraduate Coordination manages the Quotas of Master's and Doctorate Scholarships awarded to the Program by CAPES and CNPq and assigns the quotas to students based on the score of the Final Classification of production. 

The classification is in descending order of score without the existence of a waiting list, and it fluctuates with each update of the students' scores. The incoming students, in turn, compete for the qualifying list together with the regulars.

Those interested in submitting the scholarship should forward the documents proving their production inserted in Lattes to the email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The student who already has an employment relationship will not be able to receive a scholarship, only those who have a functional link with the public primary school system or in the area of collective health, provided that they are fully released from professional activity.

The student who is already a scholarship holder and starts to have the employment relationship as a complementation of the income, is allowed, but the payment should be less than the value of the scholarship, the work must be correlated with the theme of their dissertation/thesis and, therefore, when such employment bond is the result of their condition as a scholarship holder and as a consequence of the type of project they are developing, and there must be the advisor's agreement and be brought to the knowledge of the postgraduate program. 

The scholarship holder at master's and doctorate level should establish residence in the metropolitan region of Campinas (RMC).

Students can request a score update at any time, via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - in this, we ask that they forward the proof of the data for the appropriate update.

The allocation of CAPES-DS and CNPq scholarships is carried out by Internal Standard 01/2022 - LINK.

In addition to the Postgraduate Program Quota Scholarships, it is possible to request Scholarships from the Funding Agencies (CAPES, CNPq and FAPESP) through an individual request from your advisor.


Obligation of the Teaching Internship Program

CAPES - Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel establishes through Ordinance No. 76 of 04/14/2010 in Article 18, that the teaching internship - PED, is an integral part of the training of the postgraduate student, aiming at the preparation for teaching and the qualification of undergraduate education being mandatory for all scholarship holders of the Social Demand Program. 


Documents to be sent to the Postgraduate Secretariat in case of indication of CAPES scholarship (attached - at the end of this page):

- Declaration not employment relationship

- Commitment Term

- Form for Granting CAPES quota scholarships

- Proof of bank account


Clarifications on the receipt of some more types of financial aid, such as: 

- Can the Capes scholarship holder be awarded a place in the student housing of Unicamp? 

YES, because it doesn't involve money. A scholarship holder can reside in the student housing, without any problem.


🎯 If you receive a job offer or opening of MEI, for "complementation of the scholarship" and with activities related to your theme of study in PPG, it is necessary to provide the agreement of your advisor and pass to knowledge of the Postgraduate Commission, forwarding to the email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the documents below:

1) Declaration of employment relationship

2) Statement by the advisor about the employment relationship of the student 

The documents mentioned above are in word in the attachments below


WARNING!!! There is no waiting list for scholarship allocation.

We emphasize that: Scholarships can only be awarded to students duly enrolled in the courses of this program.

The available scholarship quotas for this PPG FEAGRI are:


CAPES - 3 Scholarships
CNPq - 0 Scholarships



CAPES - 8 Scholarships

Process: 444110/2020-8 - 01 scholarship for 21 months

Process: 400664/2023-2 - 03 scholarship for 48 months each.

CNPq's PDPG - 01 scholarship for 6 months available at this current moment.

LAST UPDATED ON 22/06/2023.