
What is the International Thesis Cotutelle Agreement?

It is a partnership signed by international academic partnership/agreement between UNICAMP and a foreign educational and research Institution whose main objective is the preparation of the master's or doctorate students to obtain a valid and recognized degree in the two convener institutions.

The Agreement allows the student to carry out their Dissertation or Thesis under the responsibility of two advisors: one from Unicamp and the other from the convener university. The Dissertation/Thesis is defended only once, at Unicamp or at the other University.

After successfully defending the dissertation/thesis, each University will award the student a diploma conferring on him/her the title stipulated in the Agreement.

Both diplomas should mention that the title was obtained under a Cotutelle Agreement signed between the two convener Universities.


Who can participate?

The student regularly enrolled in a master's or doctorate course at Unicamp or in a foreign Institution.



The Cotutelle Agreements at Unicamp are disciplined in Articles 57 to 60 of CONSU A-10/2015 Resolution.

"Chapter XI - Of the Cotutelle Agreements

Article 57 - Unicamp may establish specific agreements involving professors of the University and a foreign institution, under the co-orientation of postgraduate students of Stricto Sensu Courses, provided that the activity is governed by Cotutelle Agreements. (Amended by CONSU-A-022/2018 Resolution)

Sole paragraph - It will be up to the President of the Central Postgraduate Commission - CCPG to sign the Cotutelle Agreements signed by UNICAMP.

Article 58 - The students involved in these agreements/partnerships will carry out their work under the control and responsibility of two advisors, one of each of the universities involved.

Article 59 - Each dissertation or thesis in co-orientation will be developed under a specific agreement, which associates the two institutions concerned and that implies the principle of reciprocity. (Amended by CONSU-A-022/2018 Resolution)

Sole paragraph - The agreement will recognize the validity of the thesis defended in the context of co-orientation, establishing the terms of reciprocity.

Article 60 - The thesis will have a single defense, recognized by the two institutions involved, a provision that should be the subject of a clause of the agreement signed between them.

§ 1 - The working period to be carried out at UNICAMP will last at least 06 months.

§ 2 - Preferably, students enrolled at Unicamp will defend their dissertation or thesis in the Teaching and Research Unit to which the Program is linked. (Amended by CONSU-A-022/2018 Resolution)



After the initial negotiations between the student, the Brazilian advisor and the foreign advisor, a draft of the agreement should be prepared, based on the Model of Cotutelle Agreement, available on the PRPG page  and taking into account the specific conditions of the partner university established in the Model Of Cotutelle Agreement made available by the foreign University.

After the preparation of this draft, it is suggested that, preliminary, the electronic version of this document (in Portuguese) be forwarded to the PRPG (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for verification whether what is being agreed between universities does not hurt the provisions of  CONSU A-10/2015 Resolution – which provides for the General Rules of Postgraduate Programs at Unicamp.

Once the terms of the draft presented have been verified, the internal procedures described below should be followed:

1) The unit shall assemble the cotutelle process (blue cover paste) and instruct it with:

a. two versions of the Agreement (one in Portuguese and one in English or in the language of the foreign university);

b. the approvals of the Commission of the Postgraduate Program, if any, of the Postgraduate Commission-CPG and of the Congregation of Unity;

c. three copies of the Cotutelle Agreement in each language (or larger number if the convenantor university it requires) shall be attached on the back cover of the proceedings.

2) This process should be forwarded to the Attorney General's Office - PG for analysis and manifestation.

3) If PG raises any legal obstacles to the formalization of the Agreement, the process will be returned to the Unit. If there are no obstacles, the process will be forwarded to the PRPG, which will send it to CCPG.

4) If approved by the plenary, the Cotutelle Agreement will be signed by the Pro-Rector of Postgraduate.

5) The process will be returned to the CPG of the Unit which must provide the signatures of the convener university.

6) Took all signatures, one copy of the version in Portuguese and another in the other language should be added to the process of Cotutelle and the other copies will be with the other interested parties.

7) Finalizing, the process with the Cotutelle Agreement signed between the parties shall be forwarded to the Academic Board - DAC for the appropriate notes and measures. After the notes and measures, the DAC will return the process(s) to the Unit that must keep it until the defense of the dissertation/thesis by the student.

8) After the defense of the dissertation/thesis and its approval by the CCPG, the DAC will issue the diploma with the mention that the title was obtained under a Cotutelle Agreement signed between Unicamp and the other University.



The precondition for the signing and maintenance of a Cotutelle Agreement is that the interested party is a regular student of one of the Postgraduate Programs of Unicamp. The dissertation/thesis should be defended within the period of completion. If the student does not defend it within this period, the Cotutelle is canceled.