Title Approval

After approval in the Defense Examination Board of Master or Doctorate, the student must upload the final version of their paper in SIGA for approval of the title and issuance of the diploma and, by obligation, present the proof(s) of submission or publication of 01 (one) scientific article extracted from the Master's thesis or 02 articles extracted from the doctorate thesis, in a specialized journal with editorial board, in the format required by it. The presentation of publications through the guidelines incited should be forwarded to the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • the deadline for uploading the final version to SIGA and delivery of the proof(s) of submission is 60 days after the defense

The Catalog card needs to be requested and inserted in the final version of the paper



  •  After the finalization of the final version, visit the site above; 
  •  Fill in the requested data and wait 2 (two) days to receive the Form by email.
  •  Insert the Catalog card in the definitive version of the Dissertation/Thesis

* it is not allowed to make any changes to the Catalog card.

BAE website: http://www.bae.unicamp.br

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

(19) 3521-6481 or (19) 3521-6478.


Following the FORMATTING STANDARDS of dissertations and theses of Normative Instruction CCPG002_2021 , documents in disagreement with the standards will be rejected and sent back for correction.

The student's name must be identical to that of the birth/marriage certificate in all fields of the thesis/dissertation file, in case of divergence, contact the CPG.



We ask that all students include the thanks to CAPES, because directly or indirectly, it is supporting the realization of their project, including Capes/Print beneficiaries.

http://www3.prpg.gr.unicamp.br/ccpgpdf/Ata_359_fevereiro_2019.pdf - Line 17 to 20

ORDINANCE No. 206, of SEPTEMBER 4, 2018 - Provides for mandatory citation of CAPESLINK

Art. 1 The papers produced or published, in any media, resulting from activities financed, in whole or in part, by CAPES, must obligatorily refer to the support received.

Art. 2 For the purpose of identifying the source of funding, the use of code 001 is authorized for all funding received.

Art. 3 The following expressions should be used in the language of the paper:

* PORTUGUESE: "This paper was carried out with the support of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Brazil (CAPES) - Funding Code 001"


* ENGLISH: "This study was financed in part by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001"

CNPq - Thank you note on dissertations and theses for scholarship holders 

The President of the NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT - CNPq, in the use of the attributions conferred upon him by the Statute approved by Decree No. 4.728 of June 9, 2003.

5.3 - The papers published as a result of the activities supported by CNPq must necessarily refer to the support received, with the following expressions, in the language of the paper:

a) if published individually:

"This paper was carried out with the support of CNPq, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - Brazil".

b) if published in co-authorship:

"CNPq Scholarship Holder - Brazil".

Thank you note on dissertations and theses for CNPq scholarship holders 

The present paper was carried out with the support of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), scholarship process no. nnnnnn/aaaa-d.

FAPESP - Thank you note in dissertations and theses for scholarship holders (and for those who received any kind of assistance) 



7.1 The GRANTEES undertake to refer to the GRANTOR's support in all forms of dissemination (theses, dissertations, articles, books, abstracts of papers presented in meetings, web pages and any other publication or form of dissemination of activities) that result, in whole or in part, from Aid or Scholarship object of this Grant Term.

7.1.1 The GRANTEEs shall, in each publication provided for in clause 7.1, in addition to the name FAPESP, the FAPESP process number referred to in this Grant Term, in the model: process no. aaaa/nnnnn-d, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Articles written in a foreign language must indicate FAPESP's support in English, according to the following model: grant #aaaa/nnnnn-d, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).


Without carrying out the procedures listed above, the student's title will not be approved and the diploma will not be issued.



Diplomas and Certificates of Completion of regular students of stricto sensu Postgraduate courses (Master and Doctorate), issued by DAC after August 2015, are made available in digital format, according to Normative Instruction 04/2015, and can be printed by the student themselves, accessing the Academic Management System, no later than ten working days after the approval of the defense of the dissertation or thesis.

When the diploma is available, the system will automatically send a statement to the student's registered institutional email.

The student can obtain a free printed copy, simply by requesting it in person or through a solicitor in the DAC service. If you want or need a second impression of the Diploma, the student must pay the fee for printing the copy, according to current table of values

Diplomas and Certificates of Completion issued before August 2015, must be withdrawn by the student or legal attorney directly in the DAC Service. 
