PED 2° Semester of 2023

The Teaching Internship Program (PED) is a program that offers teaching experience or support to teaching activities through an internship.  More information is available at program page in PRPG.

The invocation for selection of students who will act as PED is made every six months to Postgraduate Program students through Notice. 

Students from other Unicamp Postgraduate Programs who are interested can also participate.


PED Calendar of the 2nd half of 2022 - LINK 

FEAGRI Participation Project in PED 


PED 2ND HALF 2022 - Notice LINK 

The School of Agricultural Engineering  through the Postgraduate Coordination makes public the present notice for the participation of students of Postgraduate Courses of UNICAMP, in the Teaching Internship program (PED), group B and C, together with the undergraduate disciplines of Agricultural Engineering, offered in the 1st Half of 2022.

In the link indicated, follows complete manual of procedures according to each user profile can be consulted:


 * PED can serve only semi-annual subjects and not in the subjects of Summer and Winter Holidays due to its short duration.


Registration will be made directly by SIGA. The student must choose between the available subjects. If accepted by the Unit, it must confirm the participation in the Project inserted by the Supervisor  (Professor Responsible for the subject) and obtain validation, in SIGA, of your advisor.

At the end of the period the student must enter the Final Report in SIGA.


It is the Professor responsible for the subject, must publish the Internship Project to be developed by the student in the discipline before the registration period. The secretariat can enter the data, but only the supervisor of the subject can publish. During the semester, the supervisor mustobligatorily, certify the student's attendance and, at the end of the semester, prepare the Final Report.


All teachers who have supervisees enrolled in the PED must validate (or deny) their enrollment in SIGA—even if they are supervisors of the subject.



  • Maximum of 30 hours/biannual. The workload can be outside of class hours, such as monitoring or correcting activities.
  • PED C can onlyact in a subject with a maximum of 2 classes per semester—once participation in one discipline is confirmed, enrollment in another discipline will be automatically canceled;
    • The waiting list will refer to the subjects and no longer the Unit. After the enrollment period, you can't enroll more students.
  • Students should obtain the validation of the advisor for the exercise of the PED;
  • Supervisors must obligatorily certify the attendance, month by month, of the PED. Without attendance the PED will be off the payroll.

Master students: may participate in up to 02 semesters as PED C, regardless of receiving/having received financial aid;

Doctorate students: may participate in up to 05 semesters such as PED B or C, regardless of receiving/having received financial aid;

PED Rules

Resolution GR-071/2020 of 22/06/2020 - Rector: Marcelo Knobel Approves the restructuring of the Teaching Internship Program - LINK

CAPES and CNPq Scholarship Holders

The internship is mandatory, in FEAGRI postgraduate courses, for doctorate students who receive a scholarship from the Social Demand Program, for two semesters, according to CAPES Ordinance No. 76, of April 14, 2010.

Ordinance No. 76, of April 14, 2010. - LINK



            Art. 18. The teaching internship is an integral part of postgraduate student training, aimed at preparing for teaching, and the qualification of undergraduate teaching being mandatory for all scholarship holders of the Social Demand Program, according to the following criteria:

            I - for programs that have both master's and doctorate levels, the requirement will be restricted to the doctorate level;


            IV - the teaching internship may be remunerated at the discretion of the Institution, forbidden to use resources passed on by CAPES;

            V - the minimum duration of the teaching internship will be one semester for the master's degree and two semesters for the doctorate and the maximum duration for the master's degree will be two semesters and three semesters for the doctorate;


            VII - the higher education teacher, who proves such activities, shall be exempted from the teaching internship;

            VIII - the teaching internship activities must be compatible with the research area of the postgraduate program conducted by the postgraduate student.



Students will receive financial aid on the 10th day of each month along with other scholarships and grants paid by Unicamp, however, in the months in which there is a holiday the date will be anticipated. There will be 5 installments for the semester.

The values of the PED Program Scholarships are defined (by the resolution GR 19 / 2014) depending on the value of CAPES' doctorate scholarship:

  • PED B - The scholarship for the development of the activities provided for in PED B will be equal to one third (1/3) of the value of the CAPES doctorate scholarship.
  • PED C - The scholarship for the development of the activities provided for in PED C will be equal to one quarter (1/4) of the value of the CAPES doctorate scholarship.

The current values of the Scholarships:

  • PED B: BRL734.00
  • PED C: BRL550.00


         Art. 18. The teaching internship is an integral part of postgraduate student training, aimed at preparing for teaching, and the qualification of undergraduate teaching being mandatory for all scholarship holders of the Social Demand Program, according to the following criteria:

         I - for programs that have both master's and doctorate levels, the requirement will be restricted to the doctorate level;


         IV - the teaching internship may be remunerated at the discretion of the Institution, forbidden to use resources passed on by CAPES;

         V - the minimum duration of the teaching internship will be one semester for the master's degree and two semesters for the doctorate and the maximum duration for the master's degree will be two semesters and three semesters for the doctorate;


         VII - the higher education teacher, who proves such activities, shall be exempted from the teaching internship;

         VIII - the teaching internship activities must be compatible with the research area of the postgraduate program conducted by the postgraduate student.


Students will receive financial aid on the 10th day of each month along with other scholarships and grants paid by Unicamp, however, in the months in which there is a holiday the date will be anticipated. There will be 5 installments for the semester.

The values of the PED Program Scholarships are defined (by the Resolution GR 19 / 2014) depending on the value of CAPES' doctorate scholarship:

  • PED B - The scholarship for the development of the activities provided for in PED B will be equal to one third (1/3) of the value of the CAPES doctorate scholarship.
  • PED C - The scholarship for the development of the activities provided for in PED C will be equal to one quarter (1/4) of the value of the CAPES doctorate scholarship.

The current values of the Scholarships:

  • PED B: BRL734.00
  • PED C: BRL550.00